Calibration of gas analyzers

Calibration of gas analyzers

Calibration of gas analyzers is important for uncertainty management of emission measurements. When several gas analyzers are used within a network, comparing the concentrations of the same gas mixture is necessary to interprate the differences observed within the network.

In this folder

Figure banc d'étalonnage

A test-bench has been developped for gas analyzers within the network "RMT animal farms and environnement" and the ADEME project AFEEP. This tool can help to check that two analyzers give similar concentrations on a range of gas mixtures and that the calibration drift has been negligible during an experiment.

Figure Calibration NH3

The difficulty of ammonia calibration is explained by the reactivity of this gas. It is difficult to have containers of standards mixtures, certified over one period of several months. However the calibration is necessary to check that an analyzer does not derive or to compare different equipment.