Generic modeling of risked becoming elements in chicken and rabbit animal farms

The first objective of this project is to evaluate, in animal farm conditions, the distribution of the risked fluxes of elements for the environment (C, NR, P, K heavy metals). For the poultry systems, the approach will relate to the alternative systems with courses, still little studied in the literature whereas increasingly solicited by the consumer and proposed for their environmental benefit. The approach will be developed on the basis of the experimental work already completed (or under development) on the AlterAvi platform of EU EASM (project AlterAviBio, DynRurABio, CasDar Parcours…) and alternative systems of EU PEAT (projects INNOVOL, NAVIRRE…). Mass balance will be thus carried out on the animal scale and the workshop using the data collected during these studies.

For the cunicoles systems, an experimental approach will be specifically installed to gather datas. The gaseous emissions of NH3 and the GHG of the workshop will be measured by photo-acoustic spectrometry (Calvet et al., 2011) in order to determine an average emission factor for each gas and each stage of the animal farm (reproductive only, mothers + young people before weaning, young rabbits in fattening). Mass balances will be also carried out to validate these measurements. These results will be able moreover to make it possible to consider the budget environmental of the production while realizing of ACV.

The second objective is to integrate this knowledge in systemic models on the workshops scale. For the poultry systems, MOLDAVI model (Méda, 2011) will be taken again and enriched with the new data collected for the alternative systems with course. For the cunicoles systems, a model resting on the approaches of Rigolot et al. (2010 has, b) and Méda (2011) will be developed using the collected experimental data and will make it possible to study the fluxes of elements according to various factors (size of the animal farm, feed characteristic, performances zootechnical, manure management…). In the long term, this work will be able to lead to a tool available for the actors of the cunicole area.

Financing: INRA PHASE

Driver: INRA URA