Growing-finishing pigs emissions

Guidelines to deduce the emissions from the measurement of the mass balance deficit of an animal house with growing-finishing pigs



this guideline is presently probably the simplest to measure the emissions of a house of pigs during the period of growth-completion of a batch of pigs. The matter balance can be either measured or calculated starting from some production references (species, weight, food) and of manures composition values representative of the case studied. The accuracy of the results will strongly depend on the frequency of the gas observations. It is important to be able to define exactly the inputs and the outputs of the house. Initially it is necessary to carry out a matter balance on the volatile and nonvolatile compounds. It will compare the opening and final inventories. In the second time, atmosphere of the house is either sampled, or analyzed directly to know volatile in cash nitrogen, water and carbon contents.


  • Clothing for animal farm (disposable coat and boots or specific clothing of the animal farm)
  • Material for taking notes
  • Material of cleaning and disinfection of equipment after the measurements,
  • Gas Analyzer (for example infra-red photoacoustics
  • Analyzer INNOVA® 1312 with filters CO2, CO, CH4, NH3, N2O, H2O)
  • Thermo Hygromètre to characterize the temperature and hygrometry inside and outside the house
  • Air pump (for example aerator of aquarium)
  • Filters (Milipore Millex- HV Hydrophile PVDF
  • 0,45 μm) placed at entry of the sampling system, one for outside and one for the inside air
  • PTFE tubes to connect filters, bags, pumps and analyzer gas
  • If necessary, add the material for samplings of feeds and manure

Guideline details

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