EMBB Project

Greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions in the dairy cattle houses:cross effects of the housing modeand the nitrogenous food

EMBB main objective remains to improve knowledge on the emissions of the station house under the animal farm conditions representative of the French systems. However, these emissions are dependant in particular on the excreted quantity of nitrogen and the housing mode (solid manure systems: integral accumulated litter, accumulated litter + surface of exercise scraped, small boxes solid manure, etc; slurry systems: blocked small boxes scraped slurry, cattle sheds, small boxes slatted floor, etc). Thus we can decompose our main goal into two sub-goals.

Objective 1: Improvement of knowledge on the emissions associated with two housing modes producing solid manure and strawy slurry (both using straw), representative of the principal French housing modes. To this end, experiments will be led in Méjusseaume experimental farm, with uninterrupted gas measurements carried out in two rooms presenting two contrasted modes of housing. These very precise measurements will be complemented by interventions in commercial buildings, housing modes, where will be applied the simplified method of measuring gas as developed under the ACTA project (2006-2008) and whose terms have been specified during the project funded by ADEME (2010-2011).

Objective 2: Analyzes the influence of nitrogenized excretion of the animals in interaction with the modes of housing studied on the greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions. This objective will be based at the same time on the experimental measures carried out from Méjusseaumes farm, and on the comparison of these results to the analysis of the European database built within the framework of the Rednex project. Indeed, the food modulation (nitrogenized contributions, type of fodder) will have consequences on the partition of the nitrogen excretion towards deposit and the urine. The nature and composition of the waste produced will actually affect the operation of the litter or manure and hence emissions.

The results anticipated via the experimentation are on one hand precise kinetics of the ammonia emissions, Volatile Fatty Acids and GHG in the dairy cattle animal houses for a solid manure system and a slurry system, with food modes contrasted out of nitrogen representative of the French dairy cattle food . We will also study the influence of practices associated with the selected housing modes (quantity of straw, frequency of scraping, surfaces, etc). In addition, the application of the simplified method in commercial exploitation will make it possible to multiply the references of emissions of ammonia and GHG in solid manure system and slurry system and to compare them with experimental uninterrupted measurements.

One can synthesize by recalling that the innovative character of the project comes primarily:

  • simultaneous measurements of NH3, GHG and AGV, and crossing of various methods
  • study of the emissions of a new housing mode
  • study of the nitrogenized food influence on the emissions
  • crossing of both: nitrogenized food * mode of housing.

Financing: ADEME

Driver: IDELE

