BTEP Project

Gas emissions at the houses, storages, spreadings and pastures of the dairy cattle systems

Pasture is a practice which indirectly affects the station house emissions (less dejections to be managed) and the nitrogenized ruminents food (depending on the grass nitrogen concentration). Thus only a golbal consideration integrating the whole system coupled to a distinction between the food and physical part on this practice dejections, can be used to define an objective appreciation of the interest, or not, of the pasture in the case of ruminant animal farms.

The main objectives are:

  • the pasture appreciation as a technique implying the reduction of ammonia emissions and GHG
  • knowledge improvement on the EF (emission factors) and the pollution transfers from a station to another
  • improvement of the measurement methods for the pasture and spreading

The scientific and technical bolts relate to the good coordination of the whole measurement stages in terms of human and material means. Concerning the pasture, the grass growth dependent on climatic conditions, there are some risks inherent to this practice

Lastly, this project makes it possible to federate a group of gas emission experts for the various stations of the dejections management in the cattle area.

Financing: ADEME

Driver: IDELE