EMAFUM Project

Emissions of Ammonia and Greenhouse gases from Solid cattle manure

EMAFUM project has three major objectives.
Objective 1: Development of a simplified measurement method of cattle manure storage (modeling+spot measurements)

Many types of solid manure are produced in animal farms cattle (very compact solid manure of accumulated litter, compact solid manure of scraped surface and blocked cattle shed and soft solid manure of scraped surface) and the data as regards emissions with storage are quasi non-existent. The development of a methodology adapted to the platform storage or headland conditions will conduct a greater measurement number to determine emission factors and their associated practices (in the context of a typology relevant to the management of emissions reductions)

Objective 2: Acquire reference values for the kinetic emissions during storage of manure (FTC) in representative farms conditions.

Solid manure is stored, on platform or in end of field, over relatively long periods being able to reach 10 months. It is essential to apprehend various gases emissions kinetics in order to understand the hierarchy of the processes responsible for these emissions (scientific bolt of the project) and for being able to advise practices which could limit these releases. These values will be acquired in real conditions:

  • by combining uninterrupted measurements
  • by combining specific measurements
  • with the assistance of a model of temporal interpolation according to the climate provides by the stations of the domestic network of meteorological observations
  • in conditions of laboratory in a device allowing the reproducibility of the conditions of emissions (technological bolt of the project = developed and precise description of the measurement protocols and the calculation methods of uncertainties associated with the emissions with the solid manure heaps).

Objective 3: Test the influence of management practices on emissions.

The mode of solid manure to the storage management, which depends on the type (contribution single vs. regular contribution) and on the storage mode (platform vs. end of field), has effects on the characteristics of the stored dejectionns ad the emissions associated. The experiments and the analyzes of sensitivity of the emissions model, led within the framework of this project, will make it possible to specify the incidence of the management modes on the emissions as well as the variables to be acquired in animal farm to work out a typology of the systems of relevant production with respect to the ammonia emissions and greenhouse gases during the storage of solid cattle manure.

Financing: ADEME

Driver: IDELE

Partners : INRA UMR SAS, IRSTEA, IDELE, ferme expérimentale de DERVAL
