Figure Calibration NH3
Calibration de l'ammoniac

Calibration of ammonia concentrations

The difficulty of ammonia calibration is explained by the reactivity of this gas. It is difficult to have containers of standards mixtures, certified over one period of several months. However the calibration is necessary to check that an analyzer does not derive or to compare different equipment.

The calibration of ammonia can be made on a self-made equipment generating concentrations in the air with a known liquid solution containing  ammonia.

See also

Projet ADEME - métrologie : procédure "calibration de l'ammoniac"

Ni, J.Q., & Heber, A.J. (2008). Sampling and measurement of ammonia at animal facilities. Advances in Agronomy, Vol 98 (4), 201-269. DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2113(08)00204-6.