contributor: Paulo A.V. de OLIVEIRA, paolive@cnpsa.embrapa.br

Laboratoire : Suinos e Aves (porcs et volailles)

The EMBRAPA is the Brazil public organization of agronomic research (equivalent of the INRA in France). For this reason it is charged to anticipate the Brazilian agriculture evolutions and to conduct researches making it possible to answer waitings Brazilian worldwide markets, economic actors and Brazilian company. Thus the Department “suinos E aves” (pigs and poultries), after having strongly contributed to the development of the monogastrics production since the years 1950, is interested since years 1990 in the initially environmental concerns (water and air pollution) and then of animal welfare (animals density in the houses and design of the houses) in order to remain in phase with the Western standards of livestock production.

(http://www.embrapa.br/english#atualizada ; http://www.cnpsa.embrapa.br/?ids=Pi2z65r2n)