EMILI Symposium

EMILI - International Symposium on Gas Emissions (ammonia, greenhouse gases, odors) and Dust from Livestock

Approximately half of the quantities used to feed the livestock returns to the atmosphere. A small percentage of these emissions consists of polluting trace gases like ammonia or greenhouse gases. Animal farms also emit particles and odors. The symposium offers an opportunity to present the latest scientific advances from research on gas and dust emissions in animal agriculture. They provide information that industry and governments need in order to achieve cost-effective gas and dust mitigation outcomes.

The continuous increase in world meat consumption since the years 1950 obliges to consider the impact of animal farming on the atmosphere (Livestock's Long Shadow; FAO, 2006). Scientific knowledge is useful to measure the emissions, to improve national inventories of gas emissions and to understand the processes which make it possible to reduce the emissions while adapting to the diversity of the animal farming systems and the practices of the farmers.

Conference topics include:

  • Measuring methods
  • Emitting processes
  • Inventories/Emission factors
  • Modeling
  • Mitigation strategies
  • Environmental assessment

First and third Symposium have been held in Saint-Malo Convention Center (France) from June 10th to June 13th, 2012 and from May 21st to May 24th , 2017 (website EMILI 2017). Proceedings have been edited (EMILI 2012; EMILI 2017). Both events have been organized by the French partnership network on Livestock and Environment (melynda.hassouna@rennes.inra.fr).

Second Symposium has been held in Florianópolis (Brazil) from 24 to 26 March 2015 (Paulo.Armando@Embrapa.Br).

EMILI 2020 is currently organized within CIGR events in Québec (Canada) from June 14th to June 18th, 2020 (stephane.godbout@irda.qc.ca).